Tri Lučke poročni fotograf
Če še ne veste, jesen je najin najljubši letni čas. Obožujeva vse odtenke rdeče, oranžne, rumene in rjave, ki jih ustvari narava. Najlepše barve se vedno pojavijo v oktobru.
In kje so jesenske poroke najlepše? V vinogradih, seveda! Tri lučke se nahajajo v vinorodnih gričih nad Krškim in nudijo res odlično lokacijo za poroko v vseh letnih časih., ne samo jeseni.
Urška in Mitja sta nasmejana, prijetna in sproščena. In točno takšen je bil njun poročni dan. Dodobra smo se spoznali že na našem zaročnem fotografiranju na Mangartu in komaj sva čakala, da bova njuna poročna fotografa na Treh lučkah.
Naš dan se je začel v Trebnjem s pripravami, nato pa smo se odpravili v Kapiteljsko cerkev v Novo mesto. Čas po cerkvenem obredu smo izkoristili za sproščen sprehod po starem mestnem jedru ob reki Krki. Fotografiranje smo nadaljevali v okolici Treh lučk in dan zaključili s civilnim obredom ob sončnem zahodu.
As you all by now sure know, autumn is our favourite season. We just love the amazing hues of red, orange, brown and yellow that transform the nature around us. The most breath taking colours always appear end of October.
What’s even better than getting married in autumn? Getting married in autumn and in a vineyard! Located in the hills overlooking Krško, Tri Lučke is the perfect location for an elegant vineyard wedding.
Urška and Mitja are one of the kindest, fun and laid-back couples we ever met. We bonded in the mountains of Mangart for our engagement session and we were so excited to be their Tri Lučke Wedding Photographers.
Our day started near Trebnje where we got ready and later moved on to the Kapitelj church in Novo mesto. After the church ceremony, we took a few moments for a casual walk through the old town centre of Novo mesto with their best friends. We continued our photoshoot in the beautiful golden vineyards right before the sunset civil ceremony started.